Canyon Tales
Transcript from
Spiral Notebook

by Hank Moon

Lake Pow — Spring, April ’05

First it was a mosquito (I’ll be West Nile victim!). Then waves, a boat! But ... was only the wind in the Camp Chef ...

Day 1 — April 9, 2005

Major rockfall about 1–1.2 hours after dark — good the boat wasn’t under it. Been waiting for my friends’ return for what seems like hours. I purposely left the watch in the car to avoid tracking days and hours of my stay on the lake. So glad I got this book and pen! Fantasies + scenarios in my mind like a multi–feature B–movie marathon. Somebody hurt, they’re all in a restaurant eating and laughing about the day’s events (whatever they were). I can’t wait to hear about the day and hope that everyone is alright. Kinda lonely here in Moki Alcove #1 tonight. Wish I’d brought an ocarina ... wish I knew how to play one. Last night’s crazy nodoz fueled songs come out to wink at me but I can’t remember the words. Something about ‘Badlands’ and a dark and twisty road ... and a place in the desert where no–one goes. I listen for the boat — nothing. But the occasional fish splash and the lightest wisp of a breeze.

Something echoes from upcanyon — more rockfall? Or just a very big fish.

Still can’t hear the boat.


Tales of Bunfodder (aka Psycho Damage):
  Mae West Slot • Dave Black
  Bunfodder • Dave Black
  Bun Fodder • Steve Allen
  Transcript from a Spiral Notebook • Hank Moon
  A Night to Remember • Tom Jones
  Psychological Damage • Steve Brezovec    ( SHORT FILM )
  Psychic (or Psycho) Damage • Ram
  A Night to Remember II • Doug Noel
  An Old Friend Revisited • Ram
  What’s in a Name? • Ram

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© 2005 Hank Moon