Tales of an Incompetent Adventurer
Lodge Canyon Christmas
by Ram

— December 25, 2023 —

For the 14th straight Christmas Day, we did a canyon in or close to Zion (with a Kaleidoscope descent in 2010 the exception). Tim Hoover has been on everyone of them. All of them the first and only time he has done the canyon. The tradition is built around him. So when he informs us that the hernia he will need surgery for this month is actually two hernias, we had cause for pause. He felt that, if the canyon was not too strenuous or long, that he would be fine. Tough fellow.

But what to do? Tom Jones suggested Lodge Canyon. Alas, he would be in Montana with family and would not attend. Tim confirmed that he had never been. Jenny, who was making her fourth Xmas day had never been either. The canyon is only considered to be good, not great, the day in the 5–7 hour range. The journey there is as good or better than the relatively short set of seven drops at the end—a few big drops in there. Having grown comfortable with the Sqwurel and the ease of adding friction, my life long terror of big rappels is lessening. I had not done Lodge either and I present the idea to the group.

Jenny and I arrived at the Hoover’s, Tim, Susan and Bart in the early evening of the 24th and spent a few hours socializing before camping in our respective vehicles. Luke and Tre–C ran the Christmas Eve social circuit before arriving and taking advantage of an extra bedroom.

But what of the other folks who signed up? JDZ had missed the year before, in Not Imlay, being with family in Switzerland. He stated that he wanted the hang time with old friends seen too infrequently. That the canyon to be done did not matter. Luke and Tre–C rounded out the six that the permit allows. They might have wanted a little more ‘meat on the bone’ but they too deferred to the choice of Lodge Canyon.

The ‘odd man out,’ due to Zion permit restrictions and the seniority clause on the Xmas tradition, was James ‘Yellow Dart’ Marvin. He had been with us the last two years and was a delight. I felt badly but, from the beginning of the conversation to the event itself, he was model of graciousness. He, along with his friend Sasha, joined us for the hike in, carrying gear, and literally some of my water. By the time they left to hike down, Sasha was our friend too. A delight she is too.

Jonathon had gotten the permit and set a 7 AM meet up time Christmas morning. Zion had had a dry and warm late fall and early winter. For the first time in memory, even the road to Kolob Reservoir remained open. Isolated patches of snow and the occasion shallow pothole of ice were the only hints of winter. It was strange to be starting in daylight and not by headlamp. The eight of us kept pairing off in groups of two or more and conversations abounded. It was like a moving cocktail party. The steep parts of the exit out of Pine Creek were dry. The pictographs admired and the views on top stunning. We tried a new route down a major gully north of the standard way. It worked, if a bit longer.

Soon enough we were at the pass between Lodge and Spry. Sasha and James gave us our gear back and headed off to Kolob Terrace Road to poke about on a project of the Dart’s. They took our vehicle back to Canyon Junction to our logistic advantage. Thanks guys. Wish you could have spent the rest of the day with us.

It had been many years since I had been down the back side of the pass and I had trouble remembering the features. My only times there had been climbing Mountain of the Sun and an obscure route up the back side of Twin Brother. Some dirt, wash and steep slickrock alternated to the point where I arrived in new country. A ‘new place on the planet’ for three of us was coming.

Soon the valley opened up, was gentle slickrock, with shallow potholes and was very beautiful to the eye. A lovely and aesthetic quarter mile section.

The gentle slopes then dove into slot and it was time to gear up, still with no need for water protection. We were fortunate that the north wind was absent and the casual mood continued. Everyone pitched in with the ropes and smiles were everywhere. I love everyone of these people.

This canyon has had two fatalities years ago. A spot where one could rap past a critical ledge. Rockfall had also taken a soul, years ago. With the canyon’s mediocre reputation and big rappels, I had avoided it. But, on this gentle day with these skillful partners, it was nothing but a delight with the famous last rappel into a watered grotto living up to its reputation, in wondrous reflected shades of red. Once the ropes were pulled and bagged and the technical gear removed, it was a surprisingly long but beautiful passage to the valley bottom, on minimal paths indicating that the canyon is simply not done that often.

Soon we are in employee housing saying Merry Christmas to several folks from Housekeeping. Then the green lawns of the lodge area and finally the bus stop. It is 1:30 PM. That early? You have to be kidding me? The bus is packed for the ride to Canyon Junction. As usual, people offer me their seat. Jenny is right there but they offer the seats to me. What must I must look like for this to be so? Dang, my orthopedic doctor has offered me handicap stickers for my car. Tim has the hernias. But I am the pitiful looking one. Jenny engages young children, making them smile, but is a seat offered to her? No. I decline the offers, smiling ruefully.

We will reconvene at the Hoover’s in the late afternoon. Susan has been preparing a meal for 13, including the mayor of Springdale. James and Sasha will come too. Jonathon’s wife Caitrin will be there too. There will be hors d’oeuvres and the afternoon light show off the mountains that seems a daily occurrence here. Then a lovely dinner and the ‘cocktail party’ mode continues, with new faces added. I will join Jenny, Luke and Tre–C at what we jokingly call the ‘kiddie table.’ I will wash a lot of dishes, to pay my way and the kiddie table folks will slide into seats of the ‘adult table’ for desert.

All too soon, people head to the winds. Luke and Tre–C back to Vegas and work early the next day. Jenny and I head over toward Water Canyon. I have never seen the area except under 2–3 feet of snow on a Christmas Day past. With the conditions as they were, a few more days in the Zion area before arriving in North Wash for FreezeFest XXI was the plan.

Thanks to Susan and Tim for hosting our little tradition. It is very generous of you both. And Tim, heal well. Perhaps something harder next year, in the snow?


Tales of FreezeFest:
Perfect Beginning • Ram
Escape from Canyon X • Tom Jones
FreezeFest II • Ram
Logjams in the Black Hole • Ram
Joining the Shenanigans Club • Ryan Cornia
FreezeFest III • Ram
Chamber Music • Ram
Fixed Ropes in the Black Hole • Dave Black
Cheese on Ice • Ram
FreezeFest IX (short film) • Dan Ransom  
Euphrates Canyon • Cassy Brown

Tales of Christmas:
Crystal Kaleidoscope • Ram
Christmas in Imlay • Ram
A Left Fork Christmas • Ram
Mystery on Ice • Tom Jones, Jenny West & Ram
Call of the Wild • Ram
Mysterious Christmas • Ram
Holy Water • Ram
A Christmas Heaps • Tom Jones
Fat Man’s Joy & Winter Wonderland • Ram & Tom Jones
A Christmas Pine Creek/Keyhole • Ram
A Christmas Day Canyon (or Two) • Tom Jones
Christmas in Behunin • Ram
Lodge Canyon Christmas • Ram

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